22 Mart 2010 Pazartesi

What i really enjoy is to watch people write about their pathetic lives on facebook, twitter, blogs, some mails, live feeds, social interaction sites.

Moms posting their babies, people "tweeting" their suicide, facebook "relationship status" updates , blogs about people having their mixed feelings (or is it people whining about their inactive sexuality?), pictures about activities that NOONE WILL EVER CARE TO LOOK. Pretty girls joking with everyone whom they never heard of.I call it neo - prostitution.

Ethernet cables connected us to a world of nothingness. People disguise themselves as someone "thoughtfull, interesting, artful" etc. to get the most attention. You go out and meet with someone one day then you go home and add them on facebook.
Me , writing my words of hatred to a blog interaction site among several billion people.
This is pathetic.
You are pathetic, I am pathetic.
people please see the bigger picture. No ones care if you live or die. No one cares if you say you will commit suicide or went to paris.
What you make of yourself is not your blog, your pictures.
" you are not special"
i defy these connection bullshit and all that stupid junk that "internet life" has to offer to us.
Go out start a fight, get beaten up, know that you are alive.
Pop out your finger, get drunk on the street.
Do not care about anything or any one. DEFY the morals, institutions.
Fuck these perceptions of life. define yourself for you.

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